Securing SharePoint 1 – Block legacy authentication.

In previous series' and blogs we have covered disabling legacy authentication to protect Exchange Online, Azure and Office 365, however while going through the Microsoft Cloud Security Benchmark and something caught my eye. "Ensure modern authentication for SharePoint applications is required" NOTE: We have covered the Cloud Security Benchmark previously, and the blog can be …

Cyber Security is easy, right? – What is SecOps?

Introduction Security Operations (SecOps) is a well established term, however depending where you look it's definition can vary slightly, but overall it's generally consistent. When we talk about Security Operations we are referring to "IT" Security Operations. SecOps is the combination of IT Operations and Security Operations (Cyber) to prevent silos and improve collaboration, reduce …

Cyber Security is easy, right? – Understanding Privileged Access.

We're back with another blog, and this week we're looking at privileged access, explaining its importance, and some considerations for implementation. Why is privileged access so important? We need to look at this in a few ways. As cyber security professionals we need to not only consider the risk from a security standpoint, but also …

Cyber Security is easy, right? – It’s time to walk upstream.

When looking to make improvements, or implement a new control, it’s common to want to do it “properly”, as we have the best intentions and want to do a good job. We can see the issues, have identified our opportunities for improvement, and certainly don’t want to do anything half baked. We’ve read up on …

Endpoint Configuration Checks Using the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit

Verifying that our Windows endpoints are using the expected configuration is a key part of ensuring our attack surface is as we expect, this is also known as OS hardening. Endpoints and servers are obviously one of the most at-risk components of our infrastructure and so we want to ensure they have a strong baseline …

Cyber Security is easy, right? – Can we buy our way out of cyber security debt?

After years of neglect we're allocating finance to cyber security tools, we try and purchase a new system every year to keep progressing and improving, we try and stretch our budgets to afford the best, but things never seem to really get any better. Before identifying the next new system to procure, we should ask …