Securing SharePoint 1 – Block legacy authentication.

In previous series' and blogs we have covered disabling legacy authentication to protect Exchange Online, Azure and Office 365, however while going through the Microsoft Cloud Security Benchmark and something caught my eye. "Ensure modern authentication for SharePoint applications is required" NOTE: We have covered the Cloud Security Benchmark previously, and the blog can be …

Microsoft Intune 15 – Attack Surface Reduction Rules.

If you haven't been following this series from the start, we have gone from setting up Intune from scratch which included device onboarding, autopilot, MDE, LAPs and compliance and configuration policies. This is part 15 in a step by step approach to securing endpoints and devices, with this guide covering Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) Rules. …

Microsoft Intune 14 – Block and Control Device Enrolment.

Intune allows us to control which device types can join Microsoft Entra based on the platform they have installed. As we have covered many times previously, there are no technical control silver-bullets in cyber security, however lot's of small configurations will add up to provide large returns in security posture and a reduction overall in …

Cyber Security is easy, right? – What is SecOps?

Introduction Security Operations (SecOps) is a well established term, however depending where you look it's definition can vary slightly, but overall it's generally consistent. When we talk about Security Operations we are referring to "IT" Security Operations. SecOps is the combination of IT Operations and Security Operations (Cyber) to prevent silos and improve collaboration, reduce …

Cyber Security is easy, right? – Understanding Privileged Access.

We're back with another blog, and this week we're looking at privileged access, explaining its importance, and some considerations for implementation. Why is privileged access so important? We need to look at this in a few ways. As cyber security professionals we need to not only consider the risk from a security standpoint, but also …

Microsoft Intune 13 – Configure Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS).

To be honest this guide could sit in our securing Azure series under Identity Access Management, however as this is specifically for controlling Local Administrative accounts, and the policies sit within Intune, it does sit better within our Intune series. What is LAPS? Windows LAPS is a feature that allows us to manage and back …

Securing Azure 8 – Migrating from legacy MFA and SSPR policies to the new unified Authentication methods policy.

By now you should be aware that as of September 30, 2025, authentication methods can't be managed in these legacy MFA and SSPR policies. You will need to use the new unified Authentication methods policy. "2025" I hear you shout! "we've got ages". Well, it can seem that way however authentication methods, and conditional access …